When any individual begins their journey with MacIntyre, we undertake a ‘Getting to Know You’ activity with family members, where a member of MacIntyre staff will talk through the content of our Families Pack. This ensures that:

  • Families are provided with detailed information about the service, the team and local area
  • Families get to know MacIntyre as an organisation, our values and our approach
  • Everyone involved is clear about how you wish to be involved in your relative’s life and the roles and responsibilities of your relative’s team and MacIntyre.

"Staff support Tony in a professional, caring and inclusive way to enable him to access local events and places of interest. Tony enjoys spending quality time with his family and we are actively involved in his home life."


MacIntyre Families Support

Hearing from the families of people we support is something that we encourage and promote across all of MacIntyre. Contact MacIntyre Families Support with your questions, comments, feedback and suggestions.

Contact us