We asked Sui-Ling Tang, who is both employed by MacIntyre and draws on our support, what Everyone Everywhere means to her. This is what she told us.
Everyone Everywhere is all about communities and neighbourhoods. For example in Milton Keynes, we have a Cha Cha Chat group. You can go there and have fun and meet people because a lot of people from the community come along.
Using gifts, skills and passions
Everyone has something they care about and that they're good at. Sui-Ling told us how she is good at putting people at their ease. She shows this gift with guests on the Sui-Ling Show and face-to-face.
Making connections
Sui-Ling uses her gift of putting people at ease to get to know people locally. It can be difficult being friendly with a perfect stranger but you can start with the people next door. It can be as simple as having a chat with the neighbour when you're both putting the bins out. It's about taking those opportunities.
How can we help?
There are lots of examples of people helping others. Maybe it's taking a dog for a walk, or mowing the lawn. The MacIntyre coffee shop is a great place to have a chat and a coffee and get to know people. The important thing is that it's all about us helping others, not the other way around. Sui-Ling contributed to an art exhibition at a local gallery which was another way to get people to know about MacIntyre and sharing her art for others to enjoy.
Looking out, not in
Finding out what's happening locally needn't be difficult. Sui-Ling uses Facebook events, and most places there are community halls with noticeboards you can look at. Try different things, you may not like them all but it's worth a look.
Sui-Ling's top tips
There are lots of ways to make connections:
- Take those opportunities to say hello, like when putting the bins out
- Be brave - lots of people are a bit shy, you can put them at ease
- Look around you and online - what's happening locally?
When was the last time you met someone new? Perhaps you could put Sui-Ling's top tips into action.