The new MacIntyre DNA was introduced with a special episode of the Sui-Ling Chat Show. Sui-Ling is a MacIntyre employee who also draws on MacIntyre’s support to live her full and active life. In this special interview with MacIntyre Chief Executive Officer Sarah Burslem, Sarah reflects on MacIntyre’s beginnings more than 50 years ago and takes us back to the charity’s original vision that everyone has the capacity and right to learn, of the importance of being ambitious for people with learning disabilities and of the importance of creating an environment that is nurturing, compassionate and kind.
The new MacIntyre DNA builds on this legacy and helps us explain what it is like to live, learn or work with MacIntyre now. It sets out the things which are most important to us all in MacIntyre and is the foundation for everything we do. To learn more please have a look at the image, watch the Sui-Ling Chat Show available below and read our accessible guide.