What is the Big Plan?
The objective of the Big Plan is to make co-production a reality for everyone and to make a strategy in order for this to happen.
In order to implement these objectives, we needed to feedback on our current processes. Over 250 people participated in the surveys and/or attended local events across MacIntyre. The goal was to determine what is currently working and what is not working in terms of what needs to be in place to enable us to embed true co-production across the organisation. People voted on their top priorities at the local events and from there local action plans were developed.
This led to ‘The Big Plan Day’ on the 12th of May 2022 where representatives from across MacIntyre came together to look at the top themes:
- Making sure everyone knows what Working Together/Co-Production is
- How we can all meet people near where we live to make things better for everyone
- How we can make sure all meetings and events help everyone to join in
- How we can make person centred reviews better for everyone
They were asked to imagine a future where these issues had been resolved and to identify the things which would enable this to happen. From these themes, an action plan was then developed - The Big Plan.
Ideas included:
- Using technology to capture information including after reviews which will focus on what is/isn’t working for people to support future planning and prioritisation.
- Making sure everyone knows about co production and that it is happening via co-produced and delivered training on co-production
- Having a voice across the organisation i.e. a "council" and presence at Directors and Trustee level.
- Working with people in local communities to collaborate on projects that improve things for everyone i.e. training in community connecting and neighbourhood roles. Helping to grow the work of the Great Communities project.
- Having a standard that has to be met across MacIntyre for all meetings to ensure that they are accessible, Directory of approved venues.
To find out more about the Big Plan, please watch the video below: