From 16-24 October, we painted the town purple for 'Go Purple in aid of MacIntyre', celebrating with our teams, the people who draw upon our support and our fabulous fundraisers.
From purple cakes to purple macs, purple-themed walks and purple parties, here are just some of the ways you got involved.
- Our MacIntyre Coffee Shop team were busy in the kitchen preparing purple cakes to sell to local businesses.
- Iona, aged 7, walked 10 miles in support of Go Purple and hosted a bake sale with her brother Fraser raising over £1,000.
- MacIntyre School and Children's Homes were seen donning purple in support!
- Paulette (Polly) from Hampshire popped on her purple mac.
- Our team in Oxfordshire and the people we support hosted a number of Go Purple activities, including face paints and a purple raffle.
- A first for Go Purple - purple beetles from the people we support and our team in Warrington!
- Spotted showing their support was our wonderful MacIntyre Golf Day committee.
A BIG purple thank you!
Thanks to your support we can continue to empower people we support, just like Jack, to take on new challenges.