MacIntyre’s Adult Social Care provision currently supports over 1,000 people across England and Wales in a variety of settings including Supported Living, Outreach, Registered Care, Shared Lives, Life Long Learning and day opportunities. The MacIntyre DNA runs through all that we do and protecting this common value base is very important to us.
We are proud of our legacy, ambitious for the future and believe that we can make a valued contribution to the rethinking and redesigning of an alternative social care landscape.
Emma Killick is one of our current operational directors but after 20+ years she will be leaving us in December to embark on a Masters programme. We are looking to replace her in good time to ensure that the transition is seamless and involve the new post holder in early discussions about our ambitious plans.
Over the next 24 months the new post holder will:
- Provide confident and engaging leadership to help shape our future strategy and to line manage and coach our locally based operational teams.
- Work alongside people we support, families, workforce, collaborators and the wider “sector” to ensure that our offer is asset based and entwined with local communities.
- Develop relationships with potential partners and with funders fostering an appetite for innovation and growth.
- Be accountable for the quality and financial performance across all services.
MacIntyre is a unique organisation with a clear vison for the future. If you are interested in joining us please visit our dedicated careers page.
Sarah Burslem