In the latest episode of the MacIntyre Families Podcast, Families Engagement Consultant Nicola is joined by Paul, who is part of the self-advocacy and co-production team at MacIntyre, as well as Sui Ling and Iain, who are supported by MacIntyre.
The latest episode covers:
- What co-production means and why it is important
- How MacIntyre supports people with learning disabilities and/or autism to take part in groups to share their views
- What it means to 'have a voice'
- Introducing 'The Co-Pros', a group of people supported by MacIntyre
- Co-production and training
What is co-production?
Social Care Institution for Excellence defines co-production as the "meeting of minds coming together to find a shared solution. In practice, it involves people who use services being consulted, included and working together from the start to the end of any project that affects them."
You can listen to the full episode below.