This month we’re talking about the principles that make up MacIntyre’s Approach.
Everyone Everywhere is part of this and we we’re sharing with you some reflections on its four strands.
Making Connections
It’s about getting out of our normal ‘bubble’ and seeing what interesting things are going on in our neighbourhoods. As part of this, we can influence local people’s preconceptions about autistic people, and people with a learning disability.
Chloe from Shropshire took this to heart. She had a safe but limited life with no real goals and ambitions. Once she realised she was stuck, she took on the challenge of finding new connections. They included her local pharmacist, hairdresser and tattoo parlour. Chloe’s broadening her connections to everyone’s benefit.
Using gifts, skills and passions
Everyone can bring something to the party, and Jac literally did just that when he was DJ at a Wrexham party. He’s always been a big music fan, with his decks and mixers. He’d recently moved into his own flat with MacIntyre’s support and wanted to share his love of music with new people. The party-goers’ verdict? Brilliant!
People with a learning disability have their own gifts, skills and passions, just like everyone. What are yours? Why not share them with others?
How can we help?
Too often there’s an assumption that people with disabilities are the ones that need help. The people we support are out to disprove that theory!
Take a look at Leah’s story. She works with homeless people in Birkenhead as part of an outreach programme. She helps with meal prep, gives out clean clothes, chats and connects with people. All humans together.
And how about the young people at MacIntyre School in Wingrave? They clean up the local church, go litter picking and help run a monthly Community Café.
Looking outwards not inwards
Think about your own circle of family and friends. Do you see the same people all the time? It can be easy to stop exploring.
Students at MAP College have some great examples of looking outward. They had got a bit stuck in their comfort zone of a college building and college life. But they began looking outwards and found ways to contribute and connect.
Answering our own question
Everyone Everywhere is the answer to the question posed in the Big Plan: How can we all meet people near to where we live to make things better for everyone?
Kathryn Yates, our Culture and Communities Manager says:
Some of the stories we share through these articles are things people are already doing and we shine a light on them to inspire each other. Some of the stories are where people who draw on support and staff have heard about Everyone Everywhere and have used it as a catalyst to make things happen. They have thought about how to find out what happens locally, how to make a new connection, sometimes trying something new and helping others. And always linked back to what people are good at and what they care about and how to use these with purpose.
Everyone Everywhere means keeping a look out and seeing how we strengthen our relationships within our local communities. How can we not only be actively involved within the community, but use our gifts, skills and passions to help others?