by Kathryn Yates
Over the last year we’ve been on a journey to pull together MacIntyre’s Big Plan.
Co-produced and co-authored with people who draw on our support, their families and our staff teams, the Big Plan articulates an important question:
How can we all meet people near where we live to make things better for everyone?
Everyone Everywhere
Our answer to this question is “Everyone Everywhere”, a new movement we are launching.
We know there are many MacIntyre people who are part of their local neighbourhoods and we know that good things happen when we connect with others around us.
June, who draws on MacIntyre's support, has a great example of connection in action:
Before, I felt really secluded and unhappy. I love art and I wanted to meet people. With some help and support it expanded from just getting out and about again and meeting people to actually bringing people together to do art. I am getting out and helping others. I definitely want to continue and help more people with my group.
Everyone Everywhere is about making these connections a more intentional part of our day-to-day, knowing and being known locally, challenging ourselves to do better and sharing stories to inspire each other.
How Can We Help?
One of the key messages of Everyone Everywhere is about seeing ourselves, our organisation and the people who draw on our support as contributors to our local neighbourhoods. We know that when we help others, participate and get involved, we feel part of something wider and feel valued.
Making connections
So how can we make Everyone Everywhere a reality? We are asking our staff and people who draw on MacIntyre’s support to find out what’s happening locally. We’re suggesting they identify one thing they are interested in, then go and find out more. To see what it’s all about and whether there are opportunities to help and work together.
It’s in Our DNA
We already value friends, family and neighbourhoods. And we want to make those connections stronger and more purposeful. We know some people already work in this way. We know some people find it easier than others. But Everyone Everywhere is a chance for us all to make good things happen, to create a ripple effect running through our communities, making them more inclusive and to help them see our charity and the people who draw on our support in a different way.
This seemingly simple way of working is radically transformative for everyone involved. It helps people drawing on MacIntyre’s support to change how they see themselves – from someone needing help to someone who has something to give that is of real value to the people in their neighbourhood. It helps change the community’s perception of MacIntyre, the people who work there and the people who draw on their support.
Look out for stories over the next few months. We will be sharing examples of how we help and what can be achieved.