Back in February, MacIntyre’s Quality Team were embarking on an exciting new workplan. An important part of this is the “Nothing about you without you” project. This aims to build on existing work in MacIntyre and establish new ways of working, to ensure that we work alongside the people we support and families to share power and make decisions. Then Covid-19 changed everything.
Initially it felt like everything was on hold, but very quickly people started to take matters into their own hands and started to take back control of their lives. People have started to co-produce at a distance. People are sharing their experiences and perspectives via video diaries, people are Zooming, some of whom have never used technology to connect or share their views before.
What is important now is what we do in what is still an uncertain future. One thing is certain: we can’t stand still and need to embrace and keep pace with the positive changes.
While the virus doesn’t discriminate, it has shone a light on the inequalities the people we support and others face, so it is more important than ever to hear people’s voices and work together for positive change.
This year Co-Production Week is a great opportunity to celebrate the new ways in which people are working together and to use it as a launch pad to continue to develop new ways of working.