At MacIntyre, we celebrate all our staff, however long they’ve been here.
Earlier this year, we had two very special work anniversaries to celebrate.
Sui-Ling Tang and Ian Forrest have both been employed by MacIntyre for fifteen years. And they both also draw on MacIntyre’s support to live as independently as possible.
So what are their roles?
Sui-Ling Tang
Sui-Ling is involved in a number of projects at MacIntyre. She hosts the famous Sui-Ling Show, in which she chats to people around the organisation and other special guests. She travels around the country as part of her work in the Supported Loving network, with its aim of improving support around relationships for people who have a learning disability. She is also a lifelong member of Learning Disability England.
Sui-Ling has recently moved, and in her new house she has been the friendliest chattiest and most colourful person to have around, bringing her contagious laughter and making her peers and staff smile. Sui-Ling is currently doing a revamp of her house and having lots of fun adding her own touch to the interiors. Sui-Ling is a ‘busy bee’ and really enjoys being part of Macintyre, both as an employee and as someone we support.
Ian Forrest
Ian is a member of the MacIntyre Dancers. He has qualified as a Dance Leader, and as part of this role he is co-hosting Cha Cha Chat sessions for the local community at Great Holm in Milton Keynes every Wednesday afternoon. As one of the MacIntyre Dancers, Ian takes part in performances all around the country.
Earlier this year, Ian was a key part of MacIntyre’s theatrical tech squad, responsible for sound and music for a production of Kindness: a Legacy of the Holocaust.
He’s also a member of the Milton Keynes Shout-Out group, who meet and put together videos exploring topical subjects such as the importance of being able to vote for people who have a learning disability.
MacIntyre’s DNA
Both Sui-Ling and Ian were heavily involved, with others, in the re-development of MacIntyre’s DNA. They are part of MacIntyre’s core Co-Pros group, ensuring that co-production is at the heart of everything we do.
Congratulations to both Sui-Ling and Ian on their employment anniversaries!