The Yellow Door: A Poetic Journey into Neurodiversity
This heartfelt poem by Kate Boyer, an Intensive Interaction Facilitator, offers a unique perspective—sharing the thoughts and feelings of someone with…
In Wales we support adults in the Wrexham area to live gloriously ordinary lives.
Support is focused on increasing the independence of each individual with people being positively encouraged to make decisions about the care and support they receive. Each individual’s preferences are recognised and valued.
The most recent Care Inspectorate Wales report found:
People receive good support from a caring and motivated staff group. They receive support and advice to help them be as healthy and safe as possible. Individuals can develop and maintain relationships with the people they choose, who are important to them.
People can speak for themselves and contribute to the decisions that affect their lives. Personal support plans detail their individual needs and preferences. They follow their own routines and choose how they spend their time.”
Take a look at this short film in which Nikki, the local manager, Gemma who draws on MacIntyre’s support, and some parents talk about their experiences.
I am always kept up to date and involved in decision making. My relative has made amazing progress since being supported by MacIntyre and this is because they listen to what people want and need, and act on it.
– A relative
MacIntyre follows the REACH standards, a set of voluntary standards which introduce the fundamental principles of Support for Living
In 2020 MacIntyre worked with Paradigm to develop a series of films to illustrate the REACH Standards; you can see the short illustrative film for the standard “I choose where I live” which was co-created between Paradigm and MacIntyre here:
MacIntyre’s DNA is at the heart of all we do. You can find the English and Welsh versions of MacIntyre’s DNA here.
MacIntyre is an inclusive organisation, working towards equity between the English and Welsh languages across our projects in Wales – the Welsh language Active Offer. We want to ensure that people whose first language is Welsh can communicate in the language of their choice. During 2024 we will be developing our use of dual language communications.
See our inspection reports here
You can read our latest news here or follow our MacIntyre in Wrexham Facebook page
This heartfelt poem by Kate Boyer, an Intensive Interaction Facilitator, offers a unique perspective—sharing the thoughts and feelings of someone with…
The Autism Steering Group are celebrating International Day of Happiness as it is important that everyone has the chance to be happy, whether you are…
Meet Matthew, and find out how he has helped MacIntyre create an Easy Read version of the Bristol Stool Chart.
We are sad to announce that Sir David Berriman, a founder trustee and former Chairman of MacIntyre has died.
Join Sui-Ling as she interviews Gemma, an Oliver McGowan trainer and passionate advocate for people with learning disabilities.
Explore MacIntyre's impact during 2024 in our first Impact Report
See our inspection reports for this area here. If you would like to discuss any of our inspection reports, please contact us.
Email us using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.