Meet the Manager

Welcome to No 2 The Grove. I have been working for MacIntyre for 15 years.

The support we provide is based on personalised care plans to ensure people who draw on our support are “Living the life they want to”. This includes people being involved in every day decisions about the home cooked food on the menu and the decoration of their home to planning day trips and holidays.

The staff are committed to supporting peoples wellbeing by making sure family connections are maintained and local amenities are accessed. This also maintains people’s independence and their links in the local community.

The home has individualised bedrooms, a spacious comfortable communal lounge and kitchen / dining area, there is also a large garden.

We pride ourselves in continuously checking what we are doing and putting things in places or changing things, to make sure we get it right for each person.' - Sarah Page

More about 2 The Grove

Download a summary document about 2 The Grove

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