The Reminiscence Café is open to anyone to come along and share your memories
2025 dates:
- Friday 28 February
- Friday 25 April
- Friday 27 June
- Friday 29 August
- Friday 31 October
- Friday 19 December
Swanwick Memorial Hall, Old Whittington, Chesterfield, S41 9JZ
The Reminiscence Café is open to anyone to come along and share your memories
The doors have just closed on the very first Soup and Chat event, and what a fantastic success it was!
In this article, we're introducing our new Head of Lifelong Learning and Community
In which Gail finds happiness helping the animals at Charlie's Place
Connections form one of the principles of our DNA, and this year, we're looking at all the ways in which we can connect at Christmas. Let's find out what…