Memberships and Accreditations
At MacIntyre, we are committed to being an excellent employer and providing outstanding care, support and education for the people we support.
To ensure we continue to achieve excellence in everything we do, we are a member of a number of industry-leading organisations, authorities and sector bodies.

Ann Craft Trust
The Ann Craft Trust is the leading UK authority on safeguarding disabled adults and children at risk. We work closely with the Ann Craft Trust and the Trust’s CEO, Deborah Kitson, attends our Safeguarding group meetings as an external representative.
ARC (Association for Real Change)
ARC is a membership organisation supporting anyone who is involved in the planning or delivery of support or services for people with a learning disability. We became members of ARC in 2017 as part of our drive to share best practice, support innovation and share ideas.
BILD (British Institute of Learning Disabilities)
BILD helps those supporting people with complex needs to champion rights, ensure excellent support and continually improve practice. We have been working closely alongside BILD to share best practice and endorse the PBS (Positive Behaviour Support) Academy Competency Framework.
Disability Confident Employer
The Disability Confident Employer scheme aims to help businesses to successfully employ and retain disabled people and those with health conditions. At the start of 2023 we re-qualified as a Disability Confident Employer and we are now taking steps to become a Disability Confident Leader.
Fundraising Regulator
MacIntyre is signed up to the Fundraising Regulator, which means that that we have made a public promise to adhere to best practice, honesty, transparency, clarity and accountability in all fundraising activity, enabling you to give with confidence.
Learning Disability England (LDE)
We are proud to have been one of the first organisations to join LDE, which launched in 2016 to bring together three groups of people: people with learning disabilities; their friends and families; and the organisations and people who work with them. We fully support LDE and many of the people we support and staff have now become individual members.
Mindful Employer
Mindful Employer is a NHS initiative run by Workways, a service of Devon Partnership NHS Trust. Workways supports people with a mental health condition to find or remain in employment. To support the initiative, we signed the Charter for Employers who are Positive About Mental Health.
NASS (National Association of Special Schools)
MacIntyre is proud to be a member of NASS, the National Association of Special Schools. NASS is a membership organisation representing special schools in England and Wales, providing support, advice, information, events, training, and a strong voice for non-maintained special schools.
Natspec is the membership association for organisations which offer specialist provision for students with learning difficulties and disabilities.
RoSPA is a leading voice in health and safety that campaigns to reduce avoidable accidents at home, on the road, at work and at leisure.
VODG (Voluntary Organisations Disability Group)
VODG represents leading not-for-profit providers of services and support to disabled people. We fully support VODG and actively work with other organisations within the sector to contribute to papers, resources and initiatives on topics including health, dementia and quality.
In addition to this, we also support the following initiatives and movements.

Dementia Action Alliance (DAA)
We are proud members of DAA. In 2017 we were actively involved with DAA’s ‘From Seldom Heard to Seen and Heard’ campaign, providing insight and practical examples about dementia and learning disability. As part of this, we hosted a roundtable event on the topic and have since supported raising awareness of learning disability and dementia as part of the MacIntyre Dementia Project.
Health Charter
The Health Charter is designed to support social care providers, working alongside people with learning disabilities, families, carers and health colleagues, to improve the health and wellbeing of the people we support and therefore their quality of life. We have signed up to the Health Charter as part of our health agenda.
Quality Matters
Quality Matters is a shared commitment for everyone who uses, works in, and supports adult social care; it sets out a vision for high quality, person centred care and aims to make a real difference to care services across the sector. We have been involved in the development of Quality Matters through our membership of the CQC Co-production group and we are proud to endorse the commitment.
Social Care Future
Social Care Future is a growing, people-powered movement for change, born of frustration but powered by hope. Together we are growing a future where we can all live in the place we call home, with the people and things that we love, in communities where we look out for one another, doing the things that matter to us.
(Stopping over-medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both)
STOMP is a health campaign to stop the over-use of psychotropic medication to manage people’s behaviour. MacIntyre has signed the STOMP pledge and we actively support the creation of resources to support the campaign.
More about us

MacIntyre Trustees and senior management team work together to ensure the delivery of our vision “for all people to live a life that makes sense to them”.

Inspection reports
Over 85% of our provisions for adults are rated 'Good', 'Excellent' or 'Outstanding' by CQC/CIW, with all our children's provisions rated 'Good'.

Our approach and expertise has been recognised across the sector as industry leading. We are extremely proud of our specialists, staff and the people…