MacIntyre Trustees and senior management team work together to ensure the delivery of our vision “for all people to live a life that makes sense to them”.
We make our Financial Accounts publicly available each year. Please get in touch if you have any queries.
We launched our strategy “Proud of our past and ambitious for our future” in 2016 at the start of what was a momentous Jubilee year. Since then, we have reflected further to ensure that our plans remain strong and that the views and aspirations of disabled people and their families shape what we do, how we do it and that we continue to strive to achieve excellence.
Our Corporate Strategy, updated for 2024 - 2029, details how we empower the people we support to achieve beyond their potential, inspire and engage our staff of today and the future, build a culture of excellence and grow MacIntyre with integrity and robust financial planning.
We ensure that, at all times and in all environments, we act in accordance with a set of policies which focus on keeping the people we support safe and well.
Complaints Compliments and Feedback Policy
Complaints and Compliments about MacIntyre
Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement
As an employer of more than 250 staff, we undertook Gender Pay Gap Reporting as required by the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. We are confident, due to our job evaluation process and salary bandings, men and women are paid equally for the same or similar roles.
MacIntyre Trustees and senior management team work together to ensure the delivery of our vision “for all people to live a life that makes sense to them”.
Over 85% of our provisions for adults are rated 'Good', 'Excellent' or 'Outstanding' by CQC/CIW, with all our children's provisions rated 'Good'.
Our approach and expertise has been recognised across the sector as industry leading. We are extremely proud of our specialists, staff and the people…
At MacIntyre, we are committed to being an excellent employer and providing outstanding care, support and education for the people we support.